

实例中构建一个用于处理日志信息的责任链,有记录日志的请求传递过来时,经过责任链的每一个 logger handler,它们根据日志的错误等级决定自己是否应该处理这个信息,将这个请求沿着这条责任链传递下去。

定义抽象的 logger handler,每个日志处理对象内有属性 mask 用于记录自己能够处理怎样的日志,next 用于记录责任链自己的下一个处理程序,setnext 方法用于在构建责任链时设定责任链的先后关系,message 方法为处理日志的具体实现。

abstract class Logger
	const ERR = 3;
	const NOTICE = 5;
	const DEBUG = 7;

	protected $mask;
	protected $next;
	public function setNext(Logger $l)
		$this->next = $l;
		return $this;
	abstract public function message($msg, $priority);

标准错误输出 StderrLogger

class StderrLogger extends Logger
    public function __construct($mask)
        $this->mask = $mask;

    public function message($msg, $priority)
        if ($priority <= $this->mask) {
            echo "Writing to stderr: {$msg}\n";

        if (false == is_null($this->next)) {
            $this->next->message($msg, $priority);


$l = new DebugLogger(Logger::DEBUG);
$e = new EmailLogger(Logger::NOTICE);
$s = new StderrLogger(Logger::ERR);
//设定责任链的先后处理关系 DebugLogger->EmailLogger->StderrLogger
$l->message("Entering function y.", Logger::DEBUG);		// handled by DebugLogger
$l->message("Step1 completed.", Logger::NOTICE);	// handled by DebugLogger and EmailLogger
$l->message("An error has occurred.", Logger::ERR);		// handled by all three Loggers


Writing to debug output: Entering function y.
Writing to debug output: Step1 completed.
Sending via email: Step1 completed.
Writing to debug output: An error has occurred.
Sending via email: An error has occurred.
Writing to stderr: An error has occurred.